East Point Software Web, Mobile and Software Development Services – Eastpoit.co.uk

Web, mobile and software development services

Eastpoint Mobile Apps Development Services Company in Cambridge


Responsive and mobile websites: Websites designed for mobiles and tablets As websites evolve, technologies develop and user experience improves, it is important to make sure your website is up-to-date and making the most of what’s available. It is becoming increasingly common for websites to not just be designed with a desktop and monitor in mind, but to also look good (and suitable) for small mobile screens and medium sized tablet screens.

Mobile websites and responsive websites can cater for these demands.

What is the difference between a mobile app/website and a responsive website?

Mobile – typically a version of the website built specifically for mobile Responsive – built to adapt to whatever device it is on Should I get a mobile website or a responsive website?

From a practical stand point, a responsive website will mean one version that works on all devices, and only one website to build. It covers a wide array of devices with a single version. If a new phone is released with new screen dimensions, you’ve already got it covered. Your responsive version will simply fit to the size of the device.

The benefit of a mobile app is that if you are targeting a specific type of device, you can develop the app or website quicker, and it will be tailored entirely to that device.

A mobile or responsive website – is it worth it?

Whatever your budget for your website, making it “responsive”, so it looks good in all formats, is a wise investment. As more and more people browse online via mobile phones, iPads and tablets, it is important that your business , service or shop, can still relay information and provide a good user experience, regardless of how and where you customer goes online.

Responsive websites automatically adapt to the size of the screen. This doesn’t just mean that information and graphics become condensed, it also means words and images are displayed in different ways, or sometimes omitted to provide a less cluttered, easy route to information. When space is limited, you may wish to prioritise so you know your customers are getting what they need, straight away.

Can my website be converted into a mobile/responsive website?

Most likely, yes. Usability and page design is different on mobiles, so your website may look slightly different but with a cohesive design that will link seamlessly with the full web version of your site.

Often, a mobile app developer will suggest that the website is built from scratch, in order to make use of new tools and technologies. This is particularly worthwhile if you have an old or neglected website, to create a fresh re-launch.

How much does a mobile website cost?

As you will expect, it does depend on the size of the project – how complex the pages are and how much user interaction there is. For example, is it just content-based, or does it have a shopping cart?

Generally, the more interaction there is, the greater the project cost – but even more to be gained by providing a great mobile experience, rather than a confusing experience as your customers try to navigate a full website on their mobile.

Where do I go to get a mobile website?

A lot of web developers also create mobile websites, software and apps. Here at Eastpoint Software, we speak to our clients, listen to their needs and provide an estimate for the work.

We also offer mobile app development outsourcing, so if a client has asked you for a mobile website and you do not have the skills to build it in-house, we can help.

About Eastpoint Software – Mobile Application Developers, Cambridge

We are a Web and Mobile Development Company in Cambridge. We are experienced at building mobile and responsive websites, as well as web and mobile software and apps.Find out more about us at http://www.eastpoint.co.uk .
To discuss mobile software development or a new responsive website, call us on 01223 690164 or email us at info@eastpoint.co.uk.

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